
Push Back Against Cognitive Decline – Get Equipped with a Discovery Assessment

Book in July and save $275

By Jenny Kemper, CDP, Director

In the 21st Century, neurodegenerative diseases are generally treatable – and preventable.

That’s according to Dr. Dale Bredesen, MD, author of the New York Times Best-Selling Book, The End of Alzheimer’s.  The book is a written account of Bredesen’s research, documented in Reversal of Cognitive Decline: 100 Patients.  This groundbreaking work has fundamentally changed the way we understand – and treat – cognitive decline.

Dr. Nate Bergman, Chief Scientific Wellness Officer at Kemper Cognitive Wellness, is applying this comprehensive diagnostic model in the Discovery Assessment of Cognitive Health. I’m proud to say that Dr. Bergman, together with our dynamic team, is helping individuals and families across Ohio and beyond, understand not only the unique factors contributing to their cognitive concerns, he’s also equipping them to push back with a personalized plan for intervention.

Why is ‘unique’ and ‘personalized’ important?  Because we are each unique in terms of our genetics, lifestyle, and lifetime story.  We now know there isn’t one factor that causes diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia.  In fact, Dr. Bredesen identified up to 36 factors driving cognitive loss.  That’s why Kemper Cognitive Wellness takes a comprehensive, individualized approach in assessing every client that comes in for a Discovery Assessment of Cognitive Health.

What is a Discovery Assessment?

A Discovery Assessment of Cognitive Health is among the most comprehensive, multi-faceted cognitive assessments available, anywhere.  A number of diagnostic tools are used to paint a complete picture of current cognitive health status:

  • Living Matrix – thorough, online collection of personal and family medical history, as well as lifestyle information to assess health and identify the root cause of symptoms. The detailed information you provide is essential to the assessment process, and is reviewed prior to your first appointment by Dr. Bergman.
  • Cognitive Assessments – CNS Vital Signs computerized neurocognitive testing to assess a broad spectrum of brain function performance under challenge, along with other written assessments.
  • Lab work – the Discovery Custom Lab Panel measures 104 biomarkers, including vascular indicators, micronutrients, lipids, hormones and inflammatory markers, and more.  The men’s panel also includes a test for prostate specific antigen.
  • Genetic Testing – included in the Discovery Custom Lab Panel, identifying gene variations that determine risk for chronic disease, including Alzheimer’s and heart disease.
  • Brain Map (qEEG) – non-invasive, real-time picture of your brain’s electrical activity and how it is functioning. Brain maps give insights as to why attention, thinking, cognition, mood, sleep, energy, or memory might be working less-than-optimal, and inform treatment protocols.

The Discovery Assessment includes a total of 4 visits with members of the Kemper team, plus a scheduled lab draw.

Discovery Visit 1 – Appointment Pre-Work with Client Advocate

This visit is about 30-60 minutes and includes instruction and support with Discovery appointment preparation.  We’ll walk you through the paperwork and consents, and get you started on the Living Matrix in our Client Portal.  The data clients are able to provide via the Living Matrix makes for a richer, more comprehensive doctor appointment experience than you have may have become accustomed to in today’s healthcare system.

Discovery Visit 2 (Doctor Appointment – Data Gathering & Assessments)

Prior to your visit with Dr. Bergman, he will review the information you provided in the Living Matrix.  This visit is about 2.5 hours and will include:

  • In depth-discussion of health goals, symptoms and history with Dr. Bergman
  • Physical Exam
  • Cognitive Assessments
  • Brain Map
  • Schedule lab work

Scheduled Labs

This visit is a fasting blood draw with a licensed phlebotomist, about 20 minutes in length.  A 12-hour fast is required.

Discovery Visit 3 (Doctor Appointment – Findings & Recommendations)

You’ve provided us with a lot of information, and we have additional data points from labwork and the brain map.  Dr. Bergman has analyzed the findings and prepared individualized recommendations for next steps.  This visit is about 1.5 hours in length.  This visit includes:

  • Comprehensive review of findings, including assessments, lab work, brain map and health history
  • Detailed, personalized recommendations for improvement
  • Next-step guidance to optimize cognitive and overall health

Discovery Visit 4 (Consultation with Registered Dietitian or Family Coach)

This visit is 1 hour in length.  Two options are available – we can help you select the option right for you:

  • Family Coach consultation – helps families begin to navigate the future, while living successfully in the moment.  Receive education, support, and strategies to support the individual, as well as the family.
  • Functional Nutritionist consultation – supports individuals in implementing the most powerful medicine around – food – and includes a review of current diet, suggested changes to maximize cognitive health, supplement guidance, and recommendations for future goals.

This isn’t one-size-fits-all medicine.  We are interested in YOU, your story, and helping you write a new ending.

If you are a client – you know firsthand the life-changing work we do at Kemper Cognitive Wellness.  If you are not a client, but continue to experience cognitive issues – and have the sneaking suspicion this is more than just ‘normal aging’ – now is the time to act.

Call today to schedule your Discovery Assessment of Cognitive Health.  We are celebrating the opening of our new office in Rocky River with a special through the end of July – call during the month of July to book your Discovery or Lifestyle Assessment by August 30th and save $275.  Call now to schedule your evaluation and we’ll set you up with a plan of action designed specifically with YOU in mind.  Contact us at 216/337-1400 today.

I’ve Received My Discovery Assessment Results – Now What?

Ongoing implementation support is now available through Discovery Membership.  In this monthly membership model, clients and family members receive the guidance needed to implement recommendations from the Discovery Assessment of Cognitive Health, and positively influence your brain’s present and future function.

What Does Discovery Membership Include?

  • Personalized intervention plan + structured program to improve cognition
  • (3) appointments with Dr. Nate Bergman
  • (14) appointments with a Health Coach, Registered Dietitian and Family Coach, any combination
  • (6) online client group coaching sessions (client’s discretion to have care partner join)
  • (6) online caregiver/family group coaching sessions
  • Change Your Mind Playbook ebook – a comprehensive lifestyle handbook
  • Direct access to physician and team via Client Portal
  • Priority scheduling
  • Additional discounts on supplements, brain stimulation packages, and health and nutrition coaching packages
  • 6-month membership term – call for pricing

A systematic approach to implementing Dr. Bergman’s Discovery Assessment recommendations, member clients are empowered to make changes and slow the progression of cognitive loss. The client member and their family caregiver will work alongside our dynamic team of functional medicine certified Health & Wellness Coach, registered dietitian Nutrition Coach, licensed social worker Family Coach, and Dr. Bergman.

Call today to schedule your Discovery Assessment of Cognitive Health and save $275 – 216-337-1400, option 2.  Know someone that needs to know there is an alternative in the fight against cognitive decline, share this message with them!

The Fine Print: Your Discovery Assessment Visit 2 with Dr. Bergman must be scheduled for August 30th or before.  Insurance simply will not pay for the amount of time and level of inquiry we invest in every client we serve.  To that end, Kemper Cognitive Wellness is a fee-for-service medical practice. Payment by credit card or check is due at the time of service. You may also use pre-tax dollars from an HSA or FSA account to pay for your services.  Kemper Cognitive Wellness does not accept or bill your insurance, nor does it participate as an in-network provider for health plans or government payors including Medicare. New bookings only.

Testimonials from Discovery Assessment Clients

When I first came to Kemper Cognitive Wellness, I feared I was going to be in a home (like my mother who passed from Alzheimer’s) in 3 years. I was struggling with memory and staying organized at work. I even got lost once on my familiar jogs.  I basically had the very early signs of Alzheimer’s.

In less than 4 months, working with Kemper Cognitive Wellness, I noticed big cognitive improvements. It was a relief to have someone looking at my health and listening to my concerns.  My hormones were negatively impacting my cognitive wellbeing. I am able to focus more at work and to get more things done. This led to less overwhelm and worry as well as uplifted mood.     

-Elaine, 59 years

For us, there was really no open avenue for treatment after a diagnosis of Primary Progressive Aphasia, a precursor to a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease.  “Here’s some Aricept and hope for the best,” said Jean’s doctor.  With a family history of Alzheimer’s disease, we are not inexperienced at grasping at straws. 

We partnered with Kemper Cognitive Wellness and found an alternative course of treatment.  After working with Dr. Bergman for 8 months, Jean is slowing her decline and recovering some of her everyday life.  She once again drives short trips, has resumed household tasks, is more active and engaged with her daily routine. 

Working with Dr. Bergman has been encouraging – having him on our team has afforded us knowledge we could not find anywhere else.  It is so positive to be in a program that is addressing something so nebulous and daunting.  The idea that there is a ‘protocol’ based on a person’s unique biomarkers – and a program available that offers an alternative to doing nothing – it is so positive.  We are seeing results the broader medical community didn’t deem possible.

-John & Jean, 71 years

I loved my time with Dr. Bergman. No doctor has ever asked about my whole self.  I carry around his notes to me about what to do to improve my health so that I have short and long term improvements.  I made poor health decisions early in life, while raising a family and building my business.  I fear that my current health is due to those negative choices. Today, I am eager to work with the team at Kemper Cognitive Wellness and implement positive changes.       

-Liz, age 78

I would like to compliment the Kemper Cognitive Wellness staff.  I recently completed my first round of appointments with their staff and have nothing but good things to say about them.  Scheduling thru Shelley was very effortless and the email reminders were great.  She also assisted is making sure that my prescriptions were ordered properly.  Dr. Bergman was extremely easy to talk to and showed a genuine interest in helping me change my current lifestyle for the better.  He made recommendations that will easily fit into my normal routine.  I also enjoyed discussing my current dietary habits with Nicole.  She took the approach of engaging me into the changes that I should make.  Overall, it was a very enlightening and rewarding experience that I highly recommend to anyone looking to live a healthier life.

-Wayne, 64 years, Discovery Assessment